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Africa hunting adventures in the vast, unspoiled, Mozambique wilderness



We offer you original African hunting adventures in the vast, unspoiled, Mozambique wilderness.


We operate numerous concessions in Niassa, Sofala, Manica & Tete Provinces that still boasts large populations of both big game and plains game.


These huge areas cover a wonderful range of varying habitat.


As a result, we are able to offer a complete range of species available to Mozambique, ranging from the small and elusive forest duikers to the big four, leopard, lion, buffalo and elephant.




Clients hunting our areas enjoy top success rates on all main species they intend taking which is a record not many can boast. The large majority of our clients are repeat customers that can attest to this.


Mozambique is ideal for the client who has hunted everywhere else in Africa and is looking for a unique wild hunting experience. It is a place that typically only clients who enjoy the thrill of the hunt will enjoy. At times you may get lucky, but generally you will be required to do a bit of tracking to secure your trophy.



All of our areas are FREE RANGE. No high fence and no animals have been imported into the area. It is as natural and wild as one can expect to find in Africa today.


Mashambanzou operates exclusively 6 different camps each able to comfortably accommodate 4-6 clients at a time.

Each of the camps has either permanent chalets or luxury safari tents with bathroom and toilet ensuite, and hot and cold running water 24/7. All camps have their own solar systems or generators for power supplies as well as high speed satellite internet and all other necessities required to make for a comfortable stay.


Mashambanzou Safaris has been in operation since 2005 and become an established name in the safari circles providing access to over 1 500,000 hectares of wild unfenced hunting areas with varied bush types from thick river forests, to Miombo woodlands, to huge open grasslands and floodplains with well-maintained camps.

Mashambanzou Safaris operates 6 different luxury safari camps each able to accommodate between 4-6 clients at a time. Most camps are within driving of each other with the exception of the Niassa Reserve Blocks.

Hunting season starts in April but because Mozambique's rainy season is predominantly in January, February and being fairly flat the terrain stays wet for a couple of months so hunting is best from June onwards depending on which concession and which species you are targeting.


South African Airlink operates a commercial jet service with flights from OR Tambo International in Johannesburg directly to Beira, Tete or Pemba daily depending on which concession you will be hunting. Clients will clear Mozambique customs on arrival and generally travel to camp on the day of arrival. Various good quality hotels and accommodation can be arranged with prior notice if one chooses to overnight before or after the safari. Costs range from $100 to $200 per night for a double room.



We recommend clothing in dark green, dull green or dark khaki colours, preferably made of cotton or a similar fabric.


It is not illegal to use camouflage clothing as long as it is mossy oak or the likes and not of military camouflage.


We do provide a daily laundry service so it’s unnecessary to bring too many items of clothing.

3 pairs of long trousers
3 pairs of shorts
3 pairs of long sleeved shirts
3 pairs of short sleeved shirts
1 hunting jacket (for the cool mornings)
1 warm sweater for evening wear
Very light weight rain gear/coverall
2 pairs of well-worn light hunting shoes/boots (canvas or leather) not waterproof.
1 pair of tennis shoes or slippers ( to use in camp)
1 wide brimmed hat
1 set of light sleepwear
6 pairs of socks



Our camps are well equipped with first aid kits, but we still suggest that you bring any medication recommended by your own doctor. 


You may also want to include: 


Tablets for headache
Tablets for diarrhea
Insect spray
Talcum power
Eye drops. 

Avon Skin So Soft

Be sure to bring some high factor sun screen, as well as a lip balm with sun factor. A stick or spray to soothe itching after insect bites is also a good idea. Preferably a repellant, with a high DEET percentage such as Avon Skin so Soft is great for Tsetse Flies



We supply great home cooked meals. Mostly venison of animals taken on the safari. If you have any allergies please advise us 3 months in advance to allow us to cater to you specific needs.


We provide local beers, South African wines and soft drinks in camp.


Please note that if you want any special spirits in camp you will be required to bring it in with you.



We recommend you take out both medical and travel insurance before departure.

We've partnered up with Global Rescue who is internationally recognized by thousands of hunters worldwide as the leading provider of advisory, field rescue and evacuation services. In a serious emergency, getting yourself to the nearest hospital or landing strip might not be possible. Global Rescue is the only company that will conduct a Field Rescue, no matter how remote, and will provide, arrange and pay for a medical evacuation to your home hospital of choice, anywhere in the world. 

Please click the image below for more information.



The hunting season in Mozambique is from April through to the end of November.
Prior to Arrival

Clients must provide the following documentation at least 3 months prior to the hunt:

  • 2 copies of passport photos

  • 2 copies of passport

  • Rifle information (make, serial number and caliber) for each rifle

  • Copy of weapon license for each weapon. In the event that your native country does not require a license for the chosen weapon(s), then a document signed by a commissioner of oaths (notary public) to say you are the rightful owner will suffice.



In the event the above requirements are not received at least three (3) months prior to the start date of your safari, Mashambanzou Safaris cannot be held responsible for any disruptions that might develop.

A maximum of 60 bullets per weapon are allowed into the country for your safari.




Prior to your arrival in Johannesburg it is advisable to have a company assist you with the clearance of your weapons. We advise the use of AIR2000 who are fantastic and will assist you in getting through customs in Johannesburg. Note if you are in transit or in South Africa for less than 24 hours you can leave your luggage in transit and collect at your final destination. (Note the regulations do change regularly with this so please check prior to travelling for the latest regulations)



Upon your arrival in Mozambique your PH (Professional Hunter) will be there to meet and greet you as well as ensuring your weapons are cleared quickly and efficiently. You will have more than enough time to get into camp while the sun is up and enjoy an ice cold sundowner chatting about the plans for the up and coming hunt. Our offices are located in the Airport complex of the Beira Airport and we have a good relationship with Customs and the Police to ensure all problems can be swiftly handled should anything arise.



Charter fights can be arranged prior to arrival as the roads can at times be rough. All charter flights are via Cessna 206 aircraft (max pax 4) or Airvan (max pax 8). Please note if travelling by air charter to limit your luggage & pack soft cases for your rifles. Within the hunting areas we make use of well-equipped Toyota Land Cruiser 4 wheel drive vehicles to locate game.



The trophies will be field prepared in the camp, ready for transportation to the dip & pack agent, who will prepare them for export to your nominated taxidermist from where it is routed to the final destinations you prescribe.

Please contact us for up-to-date pricing.

We use Life Form Taxidermy for all dip and pack of trophies. They are unquestionably the best option with what is a difficult and tricky process, including staying up-to-date with the requirements of the US Fish and Wildlife Service procedures and regulations. Life Form specializes in this service as well as world class taxidermy. All dip and pack prices are quoted separately.




Each camp is complete with iridium satellite phone in case of an emergency. We encourage clients to hire a phone prior to the safari if they wish to be able to call home on the hunt. Some camps have regular cell network and data capabilities if you wish to bring your mobile phone.


In the case of an emergency we have satellite phones to call in an air evacuation. We have bush landing strips within fairly close proximity of all camps.


We recommend all our clients to take out both medical and travel insurance prior to the hunt. Global Rescue are very good and worth the money you will pay.


A visa for Mozambique is required by all foreign citizens. All visitors arriving in Mozambique must have a passport which is valid for at least a further 6 months after the date of arrival in Mozambique. The visa cost is roughly US$100.00 (per visa new bio metric type). Please note this must be acquired prior to arrival from the nearest Mozambique Consulate to your home.


Please be advised that we only accept US$ in cash, not travelers cheques, as they are not accepted in Mozambique. We also advise you bring a few smaller denominations with you in case you wish to purchase curios etc. Please do not pay your safari account in any other currency other than US$.



We recommend you bring a 30 calibre weapon for all plains game and cats.


For thick skinned dangerous game like buffalo and elephant, the minimum calibre allowed in Mozambique is .375. However we recommend something in the 416 calibre provided the client can handle the weapon adequately.


For a single weapon all round safari a good scoped 375 should be plenty big enough. Bear in mind the rifle should be transported on the airline in a solid hard case.


For daily use while in the field we would suggest that you bring a soft case to protect the rifle.

Every hunter has his/her own brand of ammunition and more often than not isn’t prepared to listen to anyone who doesn’t share the same views as they do. African game is tough and requires a well constructed soft point bullet or jacketed solid to do the trick. We have found that Swift A-Frame bullets in our opinion are the best around for almost any situation. Trophy bonded bear claw also work well along with the different X bullets. Note that you must stay away from X bullets when hunting cats. Nosler bullets do not work, but only in the larger caliber on the smaller animals however it is a good bullet to use on cats.


There are many good solid bullets on the market, any good jacketed solid from a reputable maker will do fine. Please bear in mind that these are our personal and professional opinions and don’t want to get into any debates as to who’s bullets are better than who’s.



Thanks for your enquiry, we will be in touch.


Moz Cell: +258 82 533 0796
Office: +258 82 306 7676


Address: Aeroporto da Beira, Terminals de Carga



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© 2023 by Mashambanzou Safaris

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